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What has my singleness season taught me?


Throughout my singleness journey, it has been teaching so much about myself. I did not realize that these lessons will help me grow on various levels: personally, emotionally and spiritually. Here are some of the major takeaways that I have learned are:

Self-love is the BEST love!

When you are so in love with yourself, you will not need to seek it from someone and it will not feel foreign when presented to you. Singleness is such a beautiful thing. It allows you to continuously fall in love with yourself. As you discover your purpose, walk into your calling, and evolve into your greater self, those around you can’t help but to notice. Truly loving yourself prepares you to receive the love that you deserve. So when was the last time that you’ve taken yourself out on a date? What are you waiting for, sis? Trust me, it is so refreshing!

Don't chase men, chase God!

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. - Psalms 37:4

Sometimes we can get impatient in the wait for the relationship or marriage that we desire. Always remember that God knows that future and sees the things that we do not. He wants his daughters and sons to have the very BEST, not settle out of loneliness, desperation or convenience. When we redirect our focus on the One who loves us MOST, it brings us strength. When our heart is in the right place, He will allow the right one to come.

When you know your worth, others will recognize your value!

My “fall back game” is STRONG due to this lesson learned. When you know your worth, you do not have the time nor energy to entertain someone who doesn't respect you, make you feel inferior, and treats you less than the Queen or KING you are. People treat how you ALLOW them. Knowing your worth will attract the right person to you.

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